Easter Eggs, Bookmarks, and More! All The Extras in Katy Has Two Grampas
We have been busy working on SO many things for the book. Right now the book is at the publisher as we work w a layout editor to add the words to the pages - so many decisions to make...what font, how large should the font be, what color should the text be, and on and on.
But that isn't fun to share so instead we are going to let you in on a little secret! We have added some Easter Eggs to the book. Now some of you may not know what that means...An Easter egg can mean a hidden object hidden in a film, book, or another medium. Our family loves to find them in books and movies and so decided to include them in our book.
An example of a book Easter Egg - Mo Williams includes the Pigeon in almost EVERY book
We have included our own surprise on many of the pages...the class hamster - Fluffy rolling through the classroom and going on a bit of an adventure of his own...two examples are below.
Meet Fluffy - the classroom hamster
We have created some bookmarks and coloring pages - here is one of the bookmarks that is based on the classroom poster with the book and the butterflies, see below - the bookmarks and coloring pages will be mailed to you when we send you the finished book.
Finally, We have also been talking to teachers and creating some lesson plans and fun activities to go with the book. One final fun thing we created - a coloring page to let children draw their own family!